New Year - New Friends

I am so excited about this school year! We have a great group of little friends!! I spent the summer taking every play class I could find! One of the only good things about Covid is conferences were online instead of in person, and I was able to listen to some of my heroes in the field of learning through play! Our day is filled with even more free play this year... circle time is now more of a morning meeting time... and our art will continue to be 95% process art! I will continue to advocate for learning through play and I am thrilled with the families I have this year! I think they all "get it" and support the idea that children really do learn best through play! As always, thank you for believing in me and supporting me! My parents are my favorite advertisers and I appreciate you all for once again filling up our spots!! Now... enjoy our pictures from the first week of school. We are missing a few puzzle pieces but this will be full by then end of next week ❤