Thanksgiving 🍂🦃🍂

We had so much fun learning about Thanksgiving. We read a few books about the first Thanksgiving and learned about Native Americans and Pilgrims. We also read some silly/fun turkey books. We learned "Albuquerque Turkey" and "The Cranberry Rolled Away" songs. The kiddos learned the ASL sign for turkey, dog, and cat when we sang Albuquerque Turkey. And they loved doing the hand rolls for the Cranberry song. They start with tiny circles to make the cranberries roll away and keep getting bigger until they get to the turkey. 

For our table activities we made handprint turkeys, painted with feathers, painted with water color and kwik sticks, played with play dough, and made colorful Indian corn using finger paint. We examined a cranberry and then predicted if it would sink or float and made homemade butter by shaking cream in a plastic bottle with clean smooth rocks! We then enjoyed eating the homemade butter and cranberry sauce with the delicious Thanksgiving lunch Miss Vicki made on Monday! We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for all of you!


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